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Runs on Wheels

Runs with a handler on a skateboard are either 25-minute session with a 5-minute cooldown or a 45-minute session with a 5-minute cooldown at the 20 minute and 40-minute mark. Running is a cure all for dog boredom, its great exercise for high energy dogs, and paired with a proper diet can help manage weight and add years to your dog's life. It's been said that tired dogs are good dogs, meaning if your pup has disruptive behavior in the home, regular exercise could help with that too!

25 Minutes $35 45 Minutes $50







Stop and Smell the Flowers

If you or other family members like to walk the dog also but get tired of the constant leash pulling either because your dog is so strong or its just annoying and you find yourself getting frustrated or cut your dogs beloved walks short, let us help! Tails up Pups can teach your dog how to walk politely on a leash and show you and your family how to reinforce it so even grandma can walk the dog! Booked in groups of 4 lessons, the first 3 will be with the dog and the handler and the 4th will be with the handler, the dog, and someone from the family to be shown how to manage the dog.

30 minutes $25 45 minutes $$35

Leash Pulling, Nevermore

If you or other family members like to walk the dog also but get tired of the constant leash pulling either because your dog is so strong or its just annoying and you find yourself getting frustrated or cut your dogs beloved walks short, let us help! Tails up Pups can teach your dog how to walk politely on a leash and show you and your family how to reinforce it so even grandma can walk the dog! Booked in groups of 4 lessons, the first 3 will be with the dog and the handler and the 4th will be with the handler, the dog, and someone from the family to be shown how to manage the dog.

4 Lessons 30 Minutes Each $160

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Obedience with Field Trips

Have a new puppy? Adopt a rescue? Maybe your New Year's resolution is to get trained the family dog you already have for the last two years. No matter the case, Tails Up Pups can help! Remember, our dogs are always doing the best they can with the education and foundation we've given them. Tails Up Pups has two levels of Canine Coaching to help your pup be the best they can be.

  • Markers for future learning

  • Positions Sit, Down, Stand, Heel, Center

  • Hand Signals

  • Leash Pressure

  • Actions Come When Called, Out/Leave It

  • Door boundaries

  • Manners with company

  • 4 week course with two 45-minute sessions each week

  • Video recorded sessions with weekly clips loaded to Paw Portal

  • 6 full hours

  • Distance, Duration, Distractions

  • Loose Leash Walking

  • Politeness with Strangers

  • Avoidance training

  • Manners in Public

  • Sessions in fields, parks, stores, and restaurants

  • 4 week course with two 60-minute sessions each week

  • Video recorded sessions with weekly clips loaded to Paw Portal

  • 8 full hours

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Level 1 focuses on "in home" training and Level 2 focuses on "public settings" training. If you would like to expedite your training, both levels may be condensed into one month with 3 sessions a week each lasting 90 minutes totaling 18 full hours of training!

Level 1

Level 2



Condensed One Month $1,500

Potty Breaks

If your dog is older, or a couch potato, or just will be home alone for a few hours while the family is away for an event and the dog needs to be let outside, let us know and we can do it! We can swing by, say hello, let Fido out, check the food dish and water bowl, and have a game of tug or read them a bedtime story!

20 Minutes $20

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Play Pals

Does your dog like to play but gets overwhelmed at dog parks? Or maybe you don't like going to dog parks because of all the uncertainty and risk. Meet Brodie! Brodie is a great example of a "get along with everyone" dog. He's a Great Dane mix and weighs 90 lbs. and makes friends with any dog that wants to play. From mastiffs to chiuauas, Brodie plays polite and fair. Let us know if your dog needs a new buddy, and Brodie can come over and play! OR if your dog already has a buddy but they moved out of the neighborhood, or their pet parent and you are now on two different work schedules...whatever the reason if your dog is missing a buddy they havent been able to see for a while, we can pick one up and take them to the other's place to play!

One hour play date $40 PLUS Distance 0-5 miles $5 plus $0.50/mile over 5 miles

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